Project Collaborations
Anatomical organization of inhibitory microcircuits in the human temporal cortex



| PI:

Sabine Grosser | Imre Vida

Encoding, storing and recall of information depend on intricate interactions of excitatory principal cells and a small but heterogeneous set of GABAergic inhibitory interneurons in cortical networks. In our project we will characterize the morphological, physiological and moleuclare diversity as well as the functional inhibitory connectivity of different interneuron types in the human neocortex.

Therefore, we will combine whole-cell patch-clamp recordings with neuroanatomical examination and investigate synaptic input and output of interneurons, including their mutual inhibitory synapses, in brain slices.

Transcriptomic analysis will complement our investigations and enable us to better define the identify and roles of the different interneuron types in microcircuit of the human temporal cortex. Results of our project will, thus, help us to better understand the organization of the human brain, and facilitate the generation of refined network models of cortical function in health and disease.

Graphical Abstract | Smart Figures


Imre Vida

PI, Board Member

Sabine Grosser


Zheng Zheng He


Rita Loureiro

B06| B07

Lifelong absence of microglia alters hippocampal glutamatergic networks but not synapse and spine density

Authors: Michael Surala, Luna Soso-Zdravkovic, David Munro, Ali Rifat, Koliane Ouk, Imre Vida, Josef Priller, Christian Madry